More flowers around the farm!


Here are some different areas that are popping with color around the farm, this first shot is of one of the plants down by the corn crib gazebo, you can see they start out white in color and turn to the baby blue color, I believe this is a mini hydrangea.

This is a large pot next to the back deck, and I wanted to show you this as the sunflowers that are in this pot, were planted there by a little chipmunk! there are about 5 plants growing in this pot!

This last one is the old Coit cast iron tub, that I hauled form North Dakota out of the old Roger Coit house, that we put on the end of the house on the area below a bedroom window. You can see everything is growing very fast, and there are a bunch of wild poppies in various stages along with it.

Hope you enjoyed the flower show!