Deck Project Days 3 and 4

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Days 3 and 4 working on the pool deck project I undertook for my brother Bill and his wife Kathy.
Day 3, I woke up early Saturday morning and was on the road by 6:15 am, in route to Bill's house. I arrived around 8:45 am and proceeded to get to work. I had some extra help this weekend also, brother Neal, and my Son-in-law Chris also came down and helped us both out.

We of course started with trying to finish all the framing of the deck surface, which was completed by Saturday night, except for the area of his pump cleaning system. We ran short of 2 x 6 lumber and I will have to finish that next time. Bit we got the rest of the poles all set and even got the steps built, and the boards were on it also before we called it a day at 8:00pm, and we took a refreshing tip in the pool prior to eating supper. You can see the steps in one of the pictures below.
We started with the deck boards on the large area at the top of the steps bright and early Sunday morning, which was nice and wet due to a heavy rain storm the rolled through at 5:00am this morning. Making the air heavy with moisture.

You can see in the shot above and the shot below, that we got all the deck area closest to the house pretty well finished, up and we even started on and completed 3 sections across from stairs and large deck platform.

I figure we have about 60% of the decking done now and another day of deck work, and we should have that part done, and then it is on to capping the outside edges, and then installing the railings on the half with the tall poles sticking up.

Needless to say it was very hot about 92-95 degrees with out much of a wind, and we all were thankful for the cool water of the pool. We worked till about 10;45 am and then we took a brunch break, after words we all had changed into shorts or swimsuits, so whenever we got overly hot or a section completed we would drop our knee pads, tool belts and such and take a quick dip in the pool for about 5 minutes, get out feeling much better and we also drank lots of water, and iced tea. It was difficult to stay hydrated, with the sun and heat.

Above is the stairs and large area, before the pool. that is about 14 ft long and 8 feet wide. Well, I am figuring 2 more days of work and hopefully be complete.

Thanks to Kathy for all the food and beverages and also helping out when she could, also thanks to brother Neal for his help for almost the whole 2 days, and Chris who helped on Saturday afternoon.

It is looking good and things are working out as planned, but it is a lot of angles to deal with!