Addition to a Collection!

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Well, it was a pretty uneventful day, and the picture above is of the old out house located on the Stanley Farm, where we celebrated Christmas yesterday.

This picture will become a part of a collection, which is various pictures Crystalie, has taken pictures of outhouses, at various friends and in our travels. Our small bathroom in the house has a little book with the prints in it, along with other outhouse pictures on the wall, an outhouse calendar, and some small outhouse replica's in various sizes and shapes.
All which were gifts or purchases at little shops, but it is a cute and fun collection.

Just another little secret about life on Coffee Lake Farm, and if you ever come to visit ask to see our little outhouse, it will surely bring a smile to your face!

The weather was mild and about 20 degrees, did a little shoveling on my roof, where some ice was building up, spread some salt over the ice to help it melt off the roof, also got my lights on my JD tractor to work, so if I have to plow snow at night again, I can see what I am doing.

Good Night!

One Comment

  1. Isn't it funny, when you start blogging? You start thinking of everything as a potential blog post. You guys do have a very nice outhouse collection!