Christmas Decorating


I arrived home today to find our house all lit up inside with all the splendor of Christmas.
I had moved in most of our decorations for the holiday season on Sunday morning, and we let the boxes warm up and Crystalie began some of her decorating yesterday but today she did the living room and also the two Christmas Trees, we have in the house one in our bedroom, and also one in the living room. Those of you who have been here know that our house is transformed with the talents of Crystalie, her sense of style and ability to make things look so perfect. Her daughter refers to her as Martha often, and everyone who knows her agrees.
Our tree in the living room is filled with antique ornaments, we have collected over the years, and also gifts we have given each other, another one of our little traditions of buying each other an ornament for xmas. Which include ornaments of our interests or collectibles we have found making for some unique ornaments and also some precious finds.
Most of the Santa collections both the Green(pictured above) and Red ones are displayed in the living room, along with snowman scattered throughout the house, and also the nativity scene and other fun collections are scattered throughout the house! It is hard not to get in the holiday spirit when you live in a home that is transformed into Christmas!
Outside it was a cold day about -10 this morning and got to about 7 above, only good thing, sunshine all day and not much of wind all day.
All the animals handle the cold well, and checked water tank to make sure the heater is working and of course filled the woodstove very full to last the cold night!


  1. Brrr! Now you need to tell the wonderful people that you have to back a trailer up to the barn to load the Christmas decorations in to to get them to the house :)

    That "slays" me. Get it? Sleighs. Okay, I'm tired :p

  2. HEY! This year it was only the pick up, as I didn't put up the village...decided to skip it this year.Love Martha