New Years Resolutions


Well, I stayed home today, took a vacation day, slow at work with the impending NYE weekend looming, and Crystalie, needed some help with some projects as it seems she sprained or injured or left shoulder somehow. So helping with a few chores around the house in preparation for NYE and Coit Family Christmas.

Our weather is very unusual as it is pouring rain since about 10:00am and it is now 1:00pm, suppose to turn to snow sometime this afternoon as things cool off. Making for a good day to be inside and not out driving around in the slush and ice. The picture above is a reminder of what it can look like on a beautiful late summer evening!

I have a few New Years Resolutions...

1. To write and entry a day for this blog or to at least finish the year with more than 365 posts

2. Use my work vacation days more in the spring, and summer months..I have 3 days I am carrying into 2011 and I have to use them by the end of February or lose them. I plan to take sometime off in May to plant my garden early if the weather permits. Maybe some golf days also!

3. Cut more wood, always want to do this, but I like cutting in late fall, no bugs, cooler and leaves are off the trees, just need to start early.

4. Spend more time with kids and grand kids...maybe use some vacation to do this more often.

5. Stay in shape, I seem to be able to keep my weight in check, but I could use some toning and stretching, outside of all my normal outdoor activity.

6. Eat healthier, lunches, I just grab a sandwich most days, either fast food or subway, just have to eat more subway type stuff, maybe an occasional salad.

7. Grow a big pumpkin, tired of losing out to the Stanley Boys in this department. Time to start a new Pumpkin and Squash area, outside of the garden...which means breaking some ground and also some fencing.
Lots of fertilizer also on it...which I have lots of ... :-)

8. Spend more time with my wife enjoying our place!

I encourage you all to write down some resolutions for us to see, maybe then they will become reality for you!


  1. She likes #8. She also likes the squash/ pumpkin garden deal :) As for resolutions, I never really make them, buy I do set goals...usually involving less debt load and improving things at WN. Maybe we can combine your resolutions and my goals and see what happens:) :) :)

  2. 1. I will join you in the 365 challenge. I did it once, I can do it again :)

    2. Lose another 30 lbs. in 2011

    3. Stop worrying about various avenues of selling my wares and just focus on making stuff for WN, it's all I have time for anyway.

    4. Pack 30 boxes for Operation Christmas Child

    5. Pursue the minimalist avenue, use up some of this fabric I own and get to a reasonable level of "less stuff".