New Years Eve Day and New Years Day


The end of a year brought a massive snow storm, that made roads slick around here and another 6 inches of snow. But is also closed down western Minnesota and eastern North Dakota, where were supposed to be heading for Coit Family Christmas or CFC on New Years Day, but roads are closed and nobody can get to Fort Ransom, ND.
The first picture is of me plowing snow, cleaning out the yard, fr0m our snow and rain on Thursday, day and night, I wanted to get it ready for the next snowfall.
But last night we did attend the annual Farm Fest themed NYE party host again by Montina and Coralie hosted at Scott and Montina's house in Aitkin. Games, puzzles and medallion hunt and also lots of food all around a farm theme! This year Misty, Chris and there two girls Livia and Adeline, came with was had by all and we all got lots of prizes, to take home with us. We got home about 1:00am and put the kids down and visited till almost 2:00 am even Crystalie!
New Years Day we were supposed to head out North Dakota as I mentioned above. But we all slept in, and then I made some breakfast for the girls..lucky charms and clementines..then scrambled eggs and bacon and toast for everyone else.
After breakfast, Crystalie snapped the pictures above...Addy keeping Smarkle company, and her new best friend...Livia getting to play some games on the computer. Misty and Chris taking advantage of the free time starting a 1000 piece puzzle..a Llama picture.
Plan for the day is up in the air yet....but I am sure it will be amusing!
Have a great New Years Day everyone! CFC is being rescheduled, not sure when yet, but whenever it will be a fun time!


  1. Sorry your Christmas party got canceled ~ Cute pictures :)

  2. Glad you made it to Farm Fest. Wouldn't be the same without you guys!