So if you know me or have followed my blog, you have seen the icon for Scrabble on my Facebook page.

I am a Scrabble Junkie, it is the one table board game that I play almost every day...the online version everyday except when no internet or phone service is available.

Crystalie and I do play the actual board game without all the helpful tools, the online version offers. Where a mis-spelled word can cost you a turn, or the chance to be mistaken and find out some word that is misspelled is actual another word you had know idea that it was actually a word! Like Crystalie says it is probably some Hindu coin?? But of course the bluffing that goes along with those.."I think this is a word?"

Playing, the game though has improved my vocabulary and I have learned many new weird words like SUQ an Arabian Tent Market! But what a great word, ending in a Q...

The other thing about the "live" games we play, it allows us to converse and enjoy a snack, a cocktail and maybe even the outdoors! We have played many a game in our corn crib gazebo that is pictured at the top of my blog. Enjoying the warm summer day, and a slight breeze and the sound of the birds and other activity going on in the yard or on the lake!

So what is your game of choice?


  1. I'm ready for the outdoor games (at least in my imagination!) Not so much in real :(............I think it's your turn.

  2. No shocker here, I doubt. Scrabble is also my favorite game! I pretty much love all word games: Scrabble, Crosswords, Word/Letter Shuffles, you get the drift! We will have to have Scrabble night soon!