Slippery Snow


Today, brought some light snow that was just moist enough to make every road with snow on it a skating rink. It wasn't much snow less than an inch.

But all the streets in Brainerd and County Roads which had packed snow on them, became very slick...making getting going from stop lights and stop signs, difficult and of course trying to stop really tricky for those driving to fast. I saw numerous accident scenes, where people slid into one another, and were waiting for police to get there or they were assessing there damage.

Other than that, work was busy with some meetings and also a chamber event called Business After Hours, that was hosted by Madden's Classic Grill, which is where my son-in-law Matias works as a chef. The food was fantastic and about 60 people enjoyed a great atmosphere and a scenic setting on the Classic golf course all covered in snow! If you left hungry t was your own fault. They had a number of stations for food, here is the run down...

Cheese Fondue Bar

Barbecued Grilled Pork Tenderloin

Chili with steak tenderloin as a meat and also all the trimmings

Epanadas and Coconut Shrimp

for dessert...Freshly prepared Crepes, and poached pears

Along with Shrimp Shooters and Veggie Shooters

with beverages of your choice, wine, beer, and mixed drinks...

All graciously provided by our host Madden's Resort, which get a chance to showcase their facilities and their staff and what they can do for your business. Thanks Madden's Classic Resort, the photo above is the Madden's Classic Grill all decorated for the winter season!


  1. Sounds good, what is a veggie shooter?

  2. Nice...I had leftovers. I can't believe you didn't request a doggie bag for poor lonly wife :( Nah, just messin w/ you. ( Maybe I should have played the "mother-in-law card" with Matias!!) Hahahaha