Creative forces


Today, started off with a little frustration, I had picked up a new hay bale yesterday but left it on the trailer overnight so I could unload it in the morning light. I pulled into the lot with the bale, and got backed up to the feeder, almost got stuck (Ashley) but I managed to get moving again.

I moved the feeder which was froze down from all the rain we had a week ago. Then proceeded to pull the outer layer of the bale of to get the strings removed, and to roll it off the trailer. Well no matter how hard I pushed I could not get it to roll, I then tried using a pitchfork to get some leverage on it, but to no avail.

Then I went in the house, and asked my dear wife to get dressed and come outside to help roll it off the trailer, she was still in the warm bed, but she replied "really...." Then I said, "hey at least I am not telling you the animals are out of the pen" which she was thankful for, she hates it when they are not where they are supposed to be!

I went back out, filled the wood stove for the day, and proceeded back to the trailer, in a couple of minutes Crystalie, was walking across the yard all bundled up, I helped her get in the trailer next to the round bale and in a minute we had it rolled off, the trailer and in the spot where it needed to be. "Is that all" she said and I said "well if you could open the gate for me when I get there it I would appreciate it" "sure" she said.
Not that she was mad or anything, just still a little sleepy, and unloading hay before coffee is not a good thing.
The joys of farm life once again, but hey the Llamas and the Bucky appreciated our efforts, as they all stood filling their faces!

The pictures above are of a snow creation, that Crystalie made today, the idea is from her daughter Ricki, who found one similar and send her a picture of it. Do you know what it is????

A Hedgehog, which our granddaughter actually has one, named Emerson!


  1.'s funny now, not so much at 7:30. still, you are right- at least the animals were not out of the pen ( which was my 1st thought, when you say "I need help!") It's all good

  2. I could just hear her saying "really", must be where I get it from. :) Very cute hedgie, Mom!

  3. Lol! Grandma this is so awesome. I can almost hear grandma saying "really" as well. That's just too awesome. Looks just like Emerson. ;)