Golf, Jet Skiing and Airplane dog fighting!

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I got to play golf last night!

We went over to see our nephews Jacob and Joshua, last night and of course to see Mitch and Kay. We took some pizza with us, and had some supper also while we were there.
But the coolest part was being able to play some Golf on the new Wii that the boys got for Christmas from Kay's brother. Jacob is 7, and Joshua is 5, and they were thrilled to show me how to go jet skiing with the Wii and we took turns racing each other, and Joshua was dominating us pretty much.
We also did some airplane dogfighting, and both boys thumped me good at that effort...I think I only broke one balloon of theirs in the two matches.
But then I got the chance to show the boys how the golfing on Wii works, and we each played 3 holes of golf..before Crystalie had to let me know it was time to go home...oh darn...really???
Of course I dominated in the golf, but years of practice with the real game helped, but I hope to share my love for the game as the boys get older, and be able to teach them enough where they appreciate the game!

One Comment

  1. Yeah...sorry about that; Kay did offer me a corner of the bed to curl up on if I had to take a nap!