A big visitor to the Suet feeder!


Crystalie snapped this picture of the Pileated Woodpecker, who visited
our suet feeder today. Pretty large right?

When they fly up to the feeder which is only about 1 foot from the window, it is kind of scary. If you are not aware, birds have been linked to prehistoric dinosaurs and this guy looks about as prehistoric they get.

We get a variety of other birds also..chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, juncos, and sometimes we have a cardinal during the winter months. Feeding the birds is part of our lifestyle here at Coffee Lake, and it has given us lots of entertainment.

Weather report for those not in the midwest...the chance of reaching -30 degrees tonight is a very real possibility...with the windchill going lower yet.

For those who want to know Paul Bunyan is the one located in Akeley, Minnesota.


  1. Hey! I got it right!!! :) I think we have a picture of AShley, about 7 yrs old by that statue.

    Cool bird pic!

  2. Hey! I got it right!!! :) I think we have a picture of AShley, about 7 yrs old by that statue.

    Cool bird pic!