Christmas Weekend

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Okay, I know Christmas was 3 weeks ago, but this weekend we are celebrating Christmas, with our immediate family. We try to schedule our family Christmas at a time when there are not other commitments.
That way we can enjoy a Christmas dinner together, prepared by Crystalie, and then spent some time, opening our gift from each other.

This year only half our family will be here, Misty and Chris and their two girls Livia and Addy, along with Jennifer and Matias and their puppy Joya. Our other two daughters, Raquel and Eric are in Ann Arbor Michigan and will be opening our gifts this Sunday about the same time we do. Ricki and Grant and Ashley and Rebekah, have already shared Christmas with us, as Crystalie was out there in early December and they sent some things back for me.
You will see more on all this later this weekend.
In the meantime, I am plowing snow tomorrow, since we received another 4 inches over the last few days and the llamas, need more hay also and then the NFL playoffs resume! And of course helping Crystalie prepare for Sunday...Christmas at Coffee Lake Farm!

One Comment

  1. What a cool picture, the candle really "completes" him! Merry Christmas (again).