Bright Sunshine

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It was a sunny day all day today, not a cloud in the sky. So Crystalie, got outside and took some nice photos of all the ice and snow coating we received over the New Years Holiday. So I wanted to share what she saw, she likes playing with the digital camera, and we have a little Canon S2 which is like a small 35 mm camera.
As you can see the rain froze to everything when it changed over to snow and the wetter snow stuck to the ice that formed, hopefully we don't get a wind storm, before it is allowed to melt off, which may be a little bit as it is suppose to be chilly for a few days.
The roadways were helped by the sunshine also and some of the salt ate some of the ice off the highways, today but things are still slick.
Work has been busy, trying to close a bunch of ad sales this month for our March/April issue. Which goes to print in early February.
Enjoy the photos!