Full House


Well we were fortunate to have our daughter Jennifer and her husband Matias, come and visit us last night and stay the night which made for quite a house full. With Misty and Chris, Livia and Addy still here, we had people sleeping everywhere.

We had a great supper last night, a lot of what we were going to have out in Fort Ransom, ND. at the CFC. It was great and then we played a game of Clue, some of us and guess who won??? Jennifer of course.

After the kids went to bed we vegged out and watched a movie, and then got to bed. This morning, we had some scones, and banana bread, along with Lucky Charms for the girls!

I did do some work today, plowed out the yard again, it wasn't a lot of snow but a couple of inches that fell NYE. The wind had died down but it was about 5 above when I was out plowing the snow, nice and sunny today though.

All our company left and then we watched football...Coffee Lake Farm is Viking territory, but they lost to Detroit today, the end of a disappointing 2010 season! I also worked on the 1000 piece puzzle, we started yesterday. I am going back to it now to see if I can finish it tonight.

The highlight this afternoon was a call from my daughter Raquel, wishing us a Happy New Year, and also to see how things were going. Her and Eric are doing well in Ann Arbor, Michigan and she is feeling good now starting her 8 month of pregnancy, she is due in early march, which is exciting to us all!


  1. I thought your highlight would be us leaving!

  2. I want to cry every time someone mentions that we didn't have our CFC. But, when I look back at all the years over 30, that we have gotten together, I tell myself you better not complain. I am so glad Minn. weather was better than ours.