Told you they would be happy!

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Well as you can see, they are all happy that they have their new hay bale, and enjoying the mild weather

As for my day, Crystalie and I went to St Cloud, to my brother Neal's house, for a visit with him and his wife Claudia and also their oldest daughter Michelle. We drove down for some serious shopping at one of Crystalie's supply stores--Crafts Direct. It was the first time for Crystalie to see the new house Neal and Claudia moved into this last fall also.

We arrived right around noon, had some light lunch at the house and Crystalie got the tour of the house, and then all the women headed to Craft's Direct, for some serious shopping and Neal and I ran to a few stores, for some shopping also.
We then all met back at the house for supper, steaks on the grill and a fresh salad and sweet potatoes, along with gingerbread cake for dessert. With some conversation about stores and music, and concert memories we all enjoyed After that it was time to head home.
Got home about 10:00 pm and of course we had some happy dogs to greet us, and a warm house. Thanks to Neal and Claudia and Michelle, for great company and the nice meals today!
Weather was good with an overcast sky and 3 above for a low and about 20 above during the day.