Dinner Guest


Well, today is Friday and Crystalie, had invited her Dad over for supper, as a treat for his birthday a few days ago. So we had a nice meal of roast beef and venison roast, along with roasted root vegetables and some fresh warm cornbread. For dessert we had chocolate pie, with whip cream topping and chocolate sauce dribbled on it, her dad's favorite pie!

We had a nice visit showing him all the pictures from Crystalie's recent trip to Ocean Shores where her daughter Ricki, her husband Grant(happy birthday) and with the two grandughters Rebekah and Ashley all live. The food was great also, Crystalie is a great cook, and loves to work in the kitchen when it is for someone special or for a family event! We all appreciate your efforts dear.

I got my bale of hay fed to the llamas and horse and I will post a picture tomorrow of all their happy stuffed bellies and happy faces. If they pull their noses out of the bale long enough, not that they are starving as you will see!

I also picked up more dog treats and some grain to feed the animals also, it is more of a treat for them, and with Christmas and New Years coming up, need to make sure they get their gift also!

Well, weather wise it was a a mild day by Minnesota December Day
standards, it was 10 above this morning and got to about 20 for a high A little bit of wind and partly cloudy, so it felt a little colder. But any day above Zero is a good day in December!


  1. Aw hi Grandpa! Dinner sounds delish!

  2. Poor Grandpa,
    I am glad you made him a special dinner. He came to Lucas' concert on Thursday and dinner here beforehand, but it was spaghetti dinner, which isn't his favorite. And that was his actual birthday! He didn't complain, bless his heart!

  3. Oops, didn't mean to be anonymous. Still figuring this thing out! :)