The grass is greener on the other side of the fence!

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Okay, Bucky thinks the grass is greener on the otherside of the fence!

I had moved her to the girl Llama pen earlier in the week because it seemed the grass was growing faster there, and I thought she would have more to eat. But when she is on that side she has been known to get out on the backside and follow the fence around to the yard.

This picture was taken at 7:00am Sunday morning by Crystalie and was my alarm clock to get up this morning, so I got up, got dressed and went outside, grabbed a small bucket of grain and put Bucky back in the boy llama pen.

I have to say this was forcasted by Crystalie, when I told her I moved Bucky just 2 days ago....there is a new roll of barb wire in my shop, that is going up to re-enforce my fence in the next week so this won't happen again!

One Comment

  1. Sometimes, it's just fun to say: I told you so.