Wooden Nichols extra help


Last Thursday, Crystalie had some extra help while she was open, Ricki her daughter who is here from their home in Washington.

Crystalie, put her to work, and they enjoyed a day of visiting getting things ready for the big Memorial day weekend. A number of friends stopped by also that day so she got to see lots of her Mom's friends also.

I know they had fun because later that day they ended up at one of the store's consignors house going through a bunch of stuff as they get ready to move this summer!

Thanks for helping your Mom out and I know she loved every minute of it!


  1. What a wonderful mother daughter day so nice you can have some mon and daughter time together. I had the pleasure of Vals company this weekend also. A funny story we went to the cemetarys Sunday to put flowers out for Memorial day. Val did not know we had put our tombstone out at our grave site, it creeped her out. Her answer to that was to try to get Winston to pee on it, nice kid we have,don't you think.

  2. yes, I know...but thanks for the nice comment Mom!