Long days....

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Well the season of long day's is here.

What do you mean....with working two jobs and trying to keep up with all the daily and weekly tasks and also working on the project list, it involves some long days.

Like today, I left this morning for work about 7:15 am, worked at Range in the office and also made some calls for Lake Country Journal which involved some miles up on the north side of Gull Lake.

I then had a staff meeting at the part time job I have at R., which lasted an hour so I arrived home right around 6:00pm. Talked to Crystalie for about 5 minutes, went outside and picked up a bunch of stuff she had cut out of her flower garden.

Then proceeded to clean out the wood stove since I let it burn down to almost nothing, a task that needs to be done about every 2 weeks to remove the ash. After cleaning it out I had to fire it up again, which reminds me that I have to cut some firewood tomorrow so I have something to burn over the next few weeks.

After completing those tasks, I proceeded to wash the outside of the house windows, just to get some of the winter grime off. I didn't get to fussy as soon we will have pine pollen all over the place and then I will need to really clean everything after that screens and both in and outside of all the windows.

Then I grilled supper on the grill, filled the bird feeder while doing that and we ate around 7:30pm. I finished eating and then headed back outside, to start mowing some of the yard. I stopped around 9:00pm and then came in and did the dishes in the sink. Before sitting down to write my blog...if you are tired I understand. I am getting there also, oops I forgot Colette called me and the friend of hers I took the big pine tree down for last February, called and now has some more wood for me to cut up and pick up...cool the firewood problem is solved just when to go get it!

One Comment

  1. Sounds like your wife doesn't do anything...oh, thats right she is broken. Some day I'm gonna make a list of what I do all day :)