Start of the new garden area

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Tonight, I got home from a day on the road, hooked up my yard tractor to the old cultivator section I have and started busting up the new garden spot.

It is still pretty wet in that area, and the soil there is pretty heavy, which will be good for the plants as it will hold the moisture well this summer meaning I won't have to water it to much.

I plan to add a bunch of composted manure and hay, to this area and work that in and it will help warm the soil up and and also lighten it a little more. Plus the fiber will provide a good mulch on the ground for cover and weed growth, till the jungle of pumpkin vines and squash, cover it all.

I also have to get a fence around it before I can do much planting! More to do!

One Comment

  1. Hey you guyes!
    Sure is nice to see you working the ground. I miss and always loved getting a garden ready for summer and fall harvest of the natural homemade veggies. Hope all is well
    Rick M. BYE!