

Well remember all that firewood you saw lots of pictures of... it is no more!

So today I went to a local sawmill, and picked up a bundle of slabwood. This bundle is birch wood, it is simply the sides of the trees cut-off to square up the wood for cutting into boards at the mill. Most of these pieces are just over 8 ft long, and vary in width.

You can see it is bundled together with steel bands which allows them to move them around with a big loader and stack them. This bundle of wood was $35.00 and will last me about 3 weeks during the spring. I just need to cut it in 3 places about 2' lengths, and stack it next to stove.

This is fairly dry wood, and it burns up nicely. Plus it pieces are light and easy to handle, just have to handle a few more to get a stove full!