Cleaning the garden!


It seems like it was just a few weeks ago and I was posting pictures of the garden I had just planted. Now I spent a little time after getting home from my slow shift at R cleaning things up.

I pulled some carrots that were still in the ground and pulled the pvc rings I had around my pepper plants to keep the cutworms from damaging them, when they were first planted. Crystalie picked a shirt full of fresh tomatoes and I picked some carrots that were still in the ground. I also put a few garden tools away and curled up the garden hose that I used maybe twice also season!

When things dry down some more, I will open the back gate area I have, and drive my lawn tractor with the mower deck on it and chop everything up nice and fine. I will leave the back gate open and the deer will love picking through whatever is left.

Seems sad to be almost done with it all, but we have harvested a lot of fresh vegetables and Crystalie has canned lots and we also have bags of produce in the freezer and of course shared lots with family and friends and also lucky shoppers at Wooden Nichols. It actually turned out to be a pretty good year for garden produce, and the pumpkin and gourd crops did pretty well!