Lots of projects, and our company left...

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Well, Tuesday morning  bright and early Rebekah and her mom and dad, left Coffee Lake Farm
for a long drive out to Ocean Shores, WA. It was a teary event for some, but we had a lot of fun with Ricki, Grant and Rebekah.
Below was a happier moment on Sunday evening while we were eating out on the back deck with
Mitch, Kay Jacob and Joshua.

Rebekah tried to tire out Smarkle on a daily basis but I think she was more exhausted. Each night it took her just 10 minutes or so to fall asleep. But Smarkle did sleep pretty sound also! We miss you all already, and it was great to see you all!

I mentioned projects in my title, and we are up to our eyeballs working on Christmas Open House items, for Wooden Nichols. The dates for her big weekend our Oct 20-23rd and after that she will still have a lot of Christmas stuff on display till the last weekend of November.

It amazes me how efficient and prolific, Crystalie is with making stuff and always coming up with
new fun ideas that will surely be prized by some lucky shopper.
I have spent the last two nights working on a wide variety of items, fastening signs and grapevine to various items along with repairing an old sled, and a few other things. I won't tell you everything, as you will have to visit Wooden Nichols later this month!

One Comment

  1. Always hard to say goodbye, we're already counting the months until our next visit. Thank you so much for everything...love the memories.