Horse Ride!


Since Rebekah was here I decided it was time Bucky got some exercise and
earn her keep if anything for about an hour. So I got a small pail of grain and it took her a while
to let me get a hold of her, so I could begin the process of saddling her.
But after about 15 minutes we were good to go!

I took her for a short ride first since it had been over a year since I think she was saddled last. Too long for sure, but she was as usual well behaved and then Rebekah joined me.

 Needless to say it was just a gentle stroll up and down the fence line of the yard, about 125 yards, then turn around and go back, which we did about 6 times. We did trot a little bit, just so Rebekah got to feel some bouncing around! Thanks Grandma Crystalie for taking the pics!