More Like Fall!


We enjoyed about 2 weeks of nice dry warm temperatures were even in the low 80's some days, not your typical Fall weather, until Thursday night.

The wind decided to blow, up to 40 mph at times and that was accompanied by about 4/10 of rain on Friday night with a lot of wind till early morning. Needless to say it looked like it was raining leaves at times. The trees still have quite a few leaves on them but the ash trees and some basswood trees are pretty bare now a look we will see for the next 6 months or so.

Yes, the heating season is just beginning, the temperatures falling into the 40's and colder at night and days in the mid 50's to 70's for the next couple of weeks. After that who knows....we could see Snow!

I hope not, I have to start the process of cutting firewood for the winter!