Grandma's Cookies!


Above you see lots of delicious work, by Mom (Grandma Joyce) and my Dad, mom's assistant.
These are the famous Christmas Cookies that since we were children, my mom
has made during the Christmas Holiday!

These now are gaining some new found fame because they are the featured treat
at the Wooden Nichol's Christmas Open House the last 3 years!

There are still some left, from the Open House, so please feel free to show up next
Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday...they will probably be gone by then!

Until the Coit Family Christmas Party!


  1. Yay!! Grandma Joyce can see her goodies now! They were all wonderful! Every single one of the many, many that I ate. :)

  2. Thanks for posting the picture Rory, Fun to see them all on one platter, Yes the first ofDec. we begin the christmas cookies for the Coit family christmas. warms my heart that everyone still enjoys them. It is nice to be appreciated.