Landing area wood pile update

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Well the pile of logs I have on the landing area across the creek is nothing more than a pile of chunks of wood now. I spent yesterday (Saturday) cutting the smaller stuff up and hauling it up to the wood pile by the wood stove.

It started snowing after I had started and snowed off an on, making it kind of slippery and a necessity to pick the pieces up I cut yesterday, in fear that they may get buried by the snow. I went through 3 chainsaws of gas, meaning I cut up about 2 plus cord of wood.

Today (Sunday) I spent cutting all the bigger logs in to those chunks of wood. Today I burned through 5 tanks of gas. needless to say the shoulders are a little sore from all the cutting. I used my tractor with the snow plow on it to move the logs around some to make it easier to cut the logs and move the cut pieces out of the way.

Next step is to split what I have left and haul it up, and it sounds like next weekend after Thanksgiving, I will have temps in the 40's to work in. Still a lot of trips up and down the path to the landing area, but I hope to finish with 3 days to work, as I have Friday off.

One Comment

  1. Oof Dah! You better take a hot bath tonight! Soak those muscles! Good job, Rory!