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Yes now that we are home, for the rest of the year as we don't get away much now that Wooden Nichols will be open in 10 days basically. So tonight after getting home from work, I began getting the new old windows in shape to install in the southside of the little log cabin wall.

The existing windows need replacement, and the two we have to replace them are actually in pretty good shape, I had one of the lower windows needed the glass replaced which I took to a local Ace Hardware store in Brainerd.

I then had to replace the window guides on the inside, and I cut my own wood strips and tacked them in to allow the sliding windows to slide freely. I then cleaned off the dust form storage and also have removed the hold nails that held them in place in the wall.

I hope to get them installed next Saturday, as I will be at the store most of the day doing lots of projects. Pictures will follow for that process.

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