Special Project revealed!


Da Daaa!

I was working on this special project for the new grandson and his parents. Raquel, was wondering if I was going to build one and I had confirmed it with her a little while ago. But of course she had no idea, what it would look like!

Well the pictures above give you all a good idea of what it looks like. It is birch veneer plywood, with some pine strips for the cover edge, and brass latches and handles, and of course a Big C for "Cooper" made from Coffee Lake Farm barn wood!

It is about 24 inches tall, and about 23 inches deep and 32 inches wide. To hold all those boy toys, young Miles will have to play with!

We delivered it yesterday along with a few other things that we had for the Cooper family.


  1. Nice work Rory! I have always said if the house catches on fire get my "toy box" that my Grandpa made for me. It is one of my most treasured possessions. I am sure it will be special to Miles too.(Sorry, Crystalie, I know it was one of yours, too.)

  2. Awww, love that the C was made from the barn. Too cool.