North Dakota Adventure Part 3!


This is my Mom and Dad, we didn't get a picture of them on our visit, but here is a picture of them last February at our family Christmas.

Well it is Sunday the 17th, and it was time to go home, I had loaded the trailer up yesterday, with two antique washstands, my grandma Mabel's dresser set, and also various small tables and stands, that my Mom and Dad wanted cleaned out of their garage and basement. Along with other things my Mom, had piled up downstairs for us to pick through.

We had a nice pancake and bacon breakfast before leaving, after we through in the rest of our stuff into the truck, and checked all my straps and tarp, we took off for home.

The sign below we passed on the way out to my folks, but didn't stop to take the picture, the water actually dropped in the 2 days we were at the farm. But you can still see the only thing going down this road is two Mudhens!


  1. Good stuff...yep! Those road conditions make for some- shall we say-" memorable moments! Thanks for not getting me in the water!

  2. Glad to hear you are home and dry, but maybe with a few more gray hairs??? Joyce does a beautiful job with the gourds, they are certainly works of art.