Morning Song

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Here is Miles in his new John Deere shirt, it is a little big but he will grow into it shortly. But he will be a Coffee Lake Farm Boy!

Crystalie and I could here this bright red cardinal, singing outside the apartment, so we were looking for him in all the trees, and finally found him way up in the tree tops.
A big yawn, from the little guy this morning, just before we got ready to go out to the farmers market in downtown Ann Arbor.
This is some of the bread we saw at the Farmers Market, there were about 25 booths of different stuff, crafts and paintings and jewelry and of course fresh veggies, and flowers also, it was lots of fun even though it was a little brisk in the wind.
We also visited a store called Hollanders...a paper store, Crystalie was in heaven looking at all the different types of papers and shopping through the entire store.