Busy Saturday working on the List!


The day went by fast but with plenty of activity, up at 7:30am for coffee with my wife, and by 8:30 out the door.

Hooked up to the trailer with my truck and loaded all my chainsaw supplies and drove over to Colette's to take down one Medium size oak tree and 3 birch tree's dying, as you can see I ended up with a nice pile of wood I figure about a cord. It took 2 full trailer loads and also even a little more, I pretty much was done by 12:30 pm.

Stopped for lunch and then we both took the truck and trailer to our friend's Judy and Jim Mans, picked up a cupboard Crystalie is going to use at the store for display purposes, of course we visited with Jim and Judy for a few minutes, then off to Wooden Nichols.

We arrived and discovered the sump pump in the basement wasn't working and needs to be replaced, and the water was about 12 inches deep down there, so I was not able to start the well today. Monday, I will pickup a new sump pump and then I can work on getting the water going also.

I worked outside while Crystalie, moved some things around to make room for the cupboard. I trimmed some branches off some trees, and then we figured out a new location for the Porta Potty, this year with a path through the flower garden and around the pine tree, which will have be made with rocks and woodchips. So then we trimmed some branches on the pine tree to make it look a little better also. We assessed what other things need to be done yet this spring in the yard.

Crystalie visited with Kathy, our business neighbor, and one of her Facebook friends, they have moved into their building and plan to have a garden out back of their building.

We then left Wooden Nichols filled the truck with gas, and then visited the Garrison Thrift Store, which was about 3:30 pm, and we found a bunch of stuff, and it was our first visit in there. We hopped back into the truck and stopped by Colette's to pick up the last little bit of firewood I had left there, and Crystalie said Hi to Colette.

After we got back home almost 4:45pm, I left to get a new bale of hay for the animals, got home and unloaded it then finally on hooked from the trailer. I played with Smarkle some also, and finished putting some things away and then came in to watch the last 15 minutes of the Masters Golf broadcast.

We then sat down to enjoy a nice Supper which Crystalie made, and finally time to unwind and watch a little TV.

The weather today was overcast, but no rain yet and in the mid to high 50's all afternoon. Supposed to get rain tonight and maybe even a thunder storm. The ice on the lake is getting really dark, and if we get rain, it maybe will start to disappear.

We have seen lots of wildlife also the last two days, the deer were up in the yard yesterday morning, I saw the beaver on the ice by the beaver house, and saw an otter on the ice along our driveway, along with lots of other birds arriving. Spring is definitely here!