The Chicago Wedding!


Here you see the Bride and Groom making their entrance into the reception held in a museum courtyard. This is my niece Michelle and her husband Matt!

Above is the  small park and the location of the wedding this was located about a mile from where we stayed, and is the site of the oldest house in the City of Chicago. As you can see it was a beautiful day and a beautiful setting, they were married in front of a huge garden fountain.

 Above is Michelle's wedding party along with her bridal attendant. It was a large wedding party for a smaller wedding party but it all looked wonderful, and as you can see it was a little windy that day at times!

Above is the courtyard where the wedding reception was held, and you can see it was an intimate setting, for the 140 people or so that attended. This was taken in the evening after the meal and introductions of all the wedding party. Their was a DJ and dancing afterwards, and we all enjoyed a wonderful evening.

I need to thank my sister Valerie for the photo's I used from her facebook page.