Pesto Sisters!


Well the Basil and Parsley plants are not as many as they once were in the garden...
Because the Pesto Sisters met tonight at Coffee Lake Farm, for the annual process of making homemade pesto! mmmm!!

Below you see the food processor heaped with washed basil leaves and parsley sprigs.

Below all the secret ingredients are added to the top of it, and then it is chopped up finely by the food processor, and after that it is moved to a large bowl.

It is then neatly packaged in 1/4 cup amounts into plastic wrap, into the little bundles below, after that it is moved to the freezer to freeze them solid, then they can be stored in plastic baggies or containers in the freezer. This years total count was 117 packages, that were made before they ran out of some of the ingredients they purchased.

 Below are the Pesto Sisters...from the left...
Montina, Crystalie and Coralie
Yes they look like they were working hard, and this is just before we sat down to a pesto rice and pork supper along with broiled tomatoes!
If any one could use some basil, or parsley drop us a note, and we can arrange for you to get some or you can stop out and pick some up!


  1. Looks pretty good if you like it.

  2. Awesome! I had a great night and I am stealing the sisters picture if it will let me, if not, I may ask you to send it to me! Thanks!