Chore list completed

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Well I got through my list today, and below our the steps for project number 1.

Well, here is the new facet set for our tub/shower in the box.
Below is the old set before removal, as you can see they are still functional, but when you turn them on, that is when the fun begins, the washers leak and it does drip, even after it is turned off. Our well pump causes a weird vibration in the fixtures and piping when the shower is turned on. 
I was not able to just replace the valves, so here is what I had to look at on the backside of the tub, this area was next to the washer, with a piece of paneling over it of course. The black pipe is the washer drain pipe, and was right behind the old plumbing tree, and it would not come loose, so I had to basically pull it back out of the way. the copper lines are the water lines up to the washers hot and cold water supply, where it hooks up to two small valves.  

 After removing the lines and disconnecting the shower water pipe, the galvanized pipe in the middle, I took the old tree out and then took it out to my shop removed the water line connections for the washer and put them on my new plumbing tree. After getting that done, I installed the new tree, and then connected the new facets and tub spout and a new shower spout and shower head.

Everything works great and no more noise, it took me about an hour and 45 minutes to do it all.

I then went out, and cut a couple of big loads of firewood, did a little weed whacking earlier in the day.

I then rounded up two of the un-shorn llama's Latte and Lily, and trimmed them up, giving me one full bag of dark brown wool!

It was a busy day but got lots done, and also got in my two hours at R. When I arrived home our friend Marjorie, stopped to get some tomatoes and visit. She ended up having some supper with us and we enjoyed an episode of American Pickers!