Navy Pier in Chicago!

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We visited probably the biggest tourist trap of Chicago, and it is called the Navy Pier. It is the home of the worlds largest Ferris Wheel, which is over 150 ft tall, and sits up on the second level of pier which adds about another 30 ft in height. As you can see it has a lot of seat cages that take sometime to fill up.

The pier extends about 1/2 mile or so out into Lake Michigan, and is the home of an exhibition center, numerous water tour boats and services. Along with a wide of array of shops in the interior of the exhibition hall area. A wide variety of tourist trinkets to buy, lots of clothing and other items.

The flags are located along the Pier, and it is quite a patriotic sight.  There is also across the way on another pier some sort of Navy Docking site.
Here is the the Tall Ship, that is a tourist ride essentially, a 45 minute boat ride, that has a crew of pirates who entice visitors to buy a ticket to set sail  on Lake Michigan.

 Crystalie, also found sometime to visit with Bob Newhart who officed in Chicago, during his show. It was a very cool bronze statue, all though the couch was a little firm!

At the nay Pier was this exhibit of Stain Glassed windows, and we walked through this and were amazed at all the complex work, it also featured a large amount of Mosaic Glass sculptures, very cool and we are sending some pics to our own stain glass creator, Deb!

 Here is Jennifer waiting for her lunch at the Billy Coat Grill, which is where the Saturday Night Live skit of Cheeseburger, is a huge landmark with lots of history, the guys their recite the lines all the time, and it was very good!

If you get tired of walking you can rent these bicycles cars, and ride around the pier instead.

We also saw a young man who reminded us a lot of our nephew Dillion Wilson...those of you who know Dillion can weigh in on this also!

We had a nice visit with Raquel and Eric, and Miles joined us, and it was great to spend some extra time with them. This was our last activity before we headed to the Union Station for the train ride home, but that was met with a delay of 3 hours before we left Chicago. 

We enjoyed our trip to the wedding and also enjoyed the chance to see some of Chicago.  

One Comment

  1. LOL !!! I thought it looked like Dillon too, even before I read what you wrote !!! Cool pics. When we were there last year all the outside stuff was closed for winter.