The last lawn mowing...maybe!


The last time I mow grass for the 2011 season, may have just happened
this weekend. After working at R the last two days, I hurried home and hopped on my lawn
tractor and mowed the yard.

I wanted to clean up the taller green spots and also the dead grass, that has dried out and
the frost had turned  brown. These pics are of various spots in the yard.

It is always a satisfying feeling getting it mowed, it looks so good for 3-4 days
 then things get a little ragged around the edges.

Mowing late in the fall, I tend to mow it pretty short, which helps the leaves to blow across the yard,
out to the field or the tall grass along the edges of the yard.

I may go over a few areas where the leaves pile up later and mulch them
 up prior to any white stuff falling, which helps next years grass get a quick start. 
Sitting on the lawn tractor for the almost 3 hours to mow is not all bad, I listen to
the radio and it gives me a chance to think about what is next to do!