The Harvest Moon is coming!

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Well, it isn't here yet, but it is getting close, the Harvest Moon will be full next week here at Coffee Lake Farm.
I don't have a farmers almanac, but it seems some of the old rules of nature hold pretty true. The one that I rely on quite a bit is when you get your full moon, you are more likely to get a frost in the fall, if we make it through next week's full moon, with out a frost, it could be another 2 weeks or so till we see a hard frost.

If you look around locally not many trees have started to turn. We usually see the sumac start turning bright red and popple trees will start to shift to a more yellowish green. They are the ones that seem to turn first, and warn us of the cooler temperatures. Of course we can all see the difference in our disappearing daylight!

I am fine with a later frost, as our longer maturing garden plants, got a slow start, and are just beginning to reach maturity, another 10 days will allow them to mature fully without any stress. Our pumpkin crop looks pretty good, and I will soon be picking gourds and pumpkins for Wooden Nichols!

One Comment

  1. Yea!!!!for Wooden Nichols!!!!