A day off???


Well, the first day all summer I have been home with no work at R and no deck project to work on, just my own chore list...

I spent part of the day mowing doing the weeds in my llama pasture lots, cleaning them up and making them much nicer to look at.

Then I also sprayed some roundup to kill off weeds and such around hard to reach areas for the mower..something I do a couple of times a summer.

Then I went down to our garden and did some major weeding and also pruning back some of the spreading gourd vines...I also picked some more cucumbers and a couple of zucchini. There is more stuff to pick in a couple of days, like beans and some more cukes and
some zucchini.

We have lots of tomatoes setting on the vines now and the peppers are starting to grow it looks like there will be lots to pick in a couple of weeks.

After all this I even worked up the driveway and did some grading with my blade to move some dirt into the potholes, and also replace the dirt washing out from some of the rains. I also had to drag some of the rough spots out with the drag that I have for the driveway.

Along with getting some gas for the mower and also stopping by Colette's to see if she had any problems with the heavy rain yesterday. It looks like their will be some projects to do at her house later this fall!

So needless to say a busy day here at home but it felt good to work on some of my project list!