

Don't worry this isn't in my yard, it is just a look at what junk can look like, but in this pile there could be something special!

Okay, we have heard a lot about the show American Pickers, from friends and others.

So I discovered about 10 days ago, the Seasons 1 and 2 were available on instant streaming on Netflix! Which we subscribe to using our Tivo machine which is hooked to our Internet.

So we began watching the episodes, almost daily now we have at least watched one or two episodes a night. If you haven't seen it you need to check it out if you like watching Frank and Mike (the main characters on American Pickers) discover all the cool places they pick and the stuff they tend to buy and resell!

Needless to say we enjoy the art of picking also, only we aren't buying to much stuff, more like finding it for free in dumpsters or the scrap and junk Crystalie's Dad hauls from many types of places that Frank and Mike would love to see!

Crystalie, has a keen pickers eye, and watching the show is just fun, as she will sometimes see something in a camera shot and ask me to pause it for it a closer look or back it up to see something again. We are always amazed at what they find and what they pay for things, and what the perceived value is.

The show is very educational as it will give you some history of when some of the items picked were made, and by whom. So we are learning how to be even better pickers!

We have always enjoyed finding something and reselling it or using it to build something else!


  1. We like that show too, I can't believe what they pay for some of that stuff. One of my favorites when they bought old car for the guy on Pawn stars and then the guy that restores stuff re did it. We really like that restoration show on Fri. nites same channel.

  2. We are totally hooked on it, too. We were just telling some of the rest of the family about it yesterday! ;)