Late Summer Stuff!


Yes, I said late summer, it seems the summer has been flying by. I know time marches on, one minute at a time but it just seems like it was early June!

Still doing a lot of the same things, like mowing grass weekly, at both places the farm and the store, weeding the gardens both the flower gardens and also the vegetable gardens.

We have been busy also with harvesting some vegetables, cucumbers and broccoli, some beans yet, and also picked one of our first tomatoes Tuesday night, i t was one of the heritiage tomatoes, more of an orangy red color, but it tasted great in our supper.

We will have lots of tomatoes soon, if things ripen properly and the sun keeps shining!

We also have some red cabbage that is almost ready.

I will get some pictures of all this stuff, as we begin picking in the next week or so!