It's Done!


Well, I spent the last day on the deck project today! We have it finished, and I took a little video of the project once it was done and things were picked up and all the tools were put away.

Here is the video link to the complete project!

It is hard to judge the size of this but the video helps, the pool is 27 feet across, and the deck area when you first walk up is a section that is 14 ft long by 8 ft wide, and it fans out all the way around the pool. With the narrowest deck surface only being about 4 ft wide, and there are 7 steps up to the deck surface. It sits along the entire pool edge which is about 50 inches off from the ground.

I have to thank, Bill and Kathy for allowing me to do it for them, and also all the friends of theirs who pitched in when they could through the process, and also thanks to my brother Neal for also helping out for a few of the 7 1/2 days it took.

We came in under the projected budget and with a minimal amount of waste, which I removed for them, as we have wood burning stoves for the small scraps, and also other fix it projects for some of the larger pieces left!

Also thanks to my wife, Crystalie for putting up with me being gone, and taking care of things here at ya dear!