Garden Veggies!


Well this is what happens when you don't get to your Garden till 5 days later! As you can see I have a lot of produce here, and Crystalie hasn't even seen it yet.

These were the ripest of the tomatoes, and there will be many more soon, especially if we get a warm sunny weekend like they are talking.

This box of zucchini has a wide mix of different sizes, but there is more to come of those also. The bucket with the green peppers has a few cucumbers in it. I cut off 3 of the red cabbage we grew, before they started to possibly split from being so wet.

Some of this will go to Wooden Nichols, and the rest will be used or given to relatives, I know Jennifer and  Matias would love some of the tomatoes and peppers and zucchini, and a cabbage also.