Front Porch Repair by the Handyman!


Well this is looking at our first step on the left side of our front porch. and the next photo is of the right side second step area. We developed a few spongy spots on the steps so I tore off some of the old deck boards.

These are areas seem to stay wetter after rains due to the shade of the house and porch. The boards underneath for supports also sat in some sand, and that caused the boards to be wet all the time. I added some new supports and also some blocks to let the supports rest on.

I then cut some new boards for the top as they were pretty badly weathered. I used the old boards as templates so it was easy to cut them to size and shape. Then I worked on screwing everything back in place.

I finished just in time tonight, considering I didn't start till after work at R. today. We got a rain shower, just as I finished, but I snapped this quick photo of the finished project.

The cool thing about this project, I used a bunch of the scrap wood that I hauled home from my Brother Bill's deck only expense about $2.00 worth of deck screws if that!