Pumpkin patches


Okay, I am sure some of you remember the new pumpkin patch area I fenced this spring. You can see it looked quite empty.

The gate was newly hung, and below you can see just the top edge of the gate!

You can see the pumpkins have even started to spread outside the fence, and from the shot below you can see they are climbing my fence walls. The top edge of the fence is sporting a row of mini-gourds all along it...

Below in these two pictures you see some of the volunteer pumpkins growing in the llama pen, yes we set some of the pumpkins from last year in the pen to see if Bucky and the llamas would chew up any of the leftovers. Well some of the seeds liked my manure piles, and are grwoing a bunch of pumpkins also.

It looks like this could be a good pumpkin year if they get a chance to mature before our first killing frost, which I am predicting to happen around the 10th of September the next full moon.