Repairs to the Mailbox!


Recently our mailbox was trashed by someone, or a group of someones. It was getting a little rusty anyhow, but they tore off our loon head and dented up the front of it significantly. So whenever it rained, the water ran right inside the box.

A little closer view below of the front edge.

So I took my drill down and unfastened it from the support. Then took it up to the shop straighten out the front and top. After that I decided to re-paint it, and I of course had to cut out a new loon head, and paint that also. I also raided the red button jar for a couple of nice red buttons for the eyes.

I used some felt circles, which I placed after I put down a coat of white paint, then I taped it up and laid down my coat of black paint. I also put a coat of red on the flag, and removed the dots after I got the black touched up. I refastened the new loon head that I cut on a band saw and painted.

As you can see it looks pretty good again, and hopefully it will be good for a long time!


  1. Cute!! I don't know what's with people and destroying mailboxes, that happened to us repeatedly one year. I just don't understand the thrill!

  2. WOW, nice job you are a really great handy man. Better make a few of those for the shop all those Mn. loon people might buy one.

  3. Rebekah says "oooh it's a pretty one!"

  4. I agree with Lori...what's the thrill in that? But your mailbox looks fantastic now! :) Great job, Mr. Fix-it!

  5. Looks awesome dear-I find it interesting that you sneeked into my studio :) Oh to be a mouse in the you.