Cold and Colds!

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Okay, I am usually pretty fortunate when it comes to catching things, like colds or the flu bug, I don't usually get them.

Well you guessed it, I went to bed last night with a very sore throat and ended up taking some cold medicine last night during the night to take the edge off of it. But this morning it was really sore, and I still needed to go to work, because we are finishing up the issue of Lake Country Journal Magazine for the March/April Issue.

Check out to see what I work on, and you can even view a copy of the magazine if you sign up to view the digital online version. I sell advertising for this publication along with other services we provide at Range Printing.

I took some Ibuprofen this morning, and things felt a little better, but I decided to have my throat checked to make sure I wasn't developing strep. So I went to a Cub food store in Baxter that has a Convenient Care in their store. A nurse practitioner is stationed there and she can take care of simply maladies, and take a quick throat culture for strep, it took all of 20 minutes and my result was no strep, and then she recommended various things to do and over the counter medications that may help.

Hopefully it doesn't blossum in to a full blown cold....I will just have to wait and see.

Outside, we are going to experience a blast of Artic Air for the next 3 days, and some cold winds with it. So back to plugging in my truck for a couple of nights, and the long johns!

Here are some helpful cold suggestions...

One Comment

  1. Gah!!! Feel better soon, Rory!