Warm Weather Finally!

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Yes, tomorrow we start the big Warm Up!

After enduring another week of cold weather, and plugging in the pickup every night, and filling the wood stove to the brim, so it will last the night.
The burning wood heating up the hot water that flows constantly through 200 plus feet of pipe, to a plenum that sits below our blower fan and when the thermostat calls for heat the blower runs, pushing the heat out of the plenum in our duct work, thus warming our cozy home.

Needless to say the cold week chewed through a fair amount of wood, but the upcoming warm weather will slow the use of the wood dramatically.
The local weathermen have been teasing us all week long about the big warm up that is coming...we may even see high 40's in the next few days, meaning the snow will be melting and the sound of water dripping off the eaves of the house will fill the air, and the yard will become a slushy skating rink.
Hopefully the weathermen are right and we will enjoy some sunshine and warm temps, which will feel much warmer than normal!

One Comment

  1. They better be right!