Smarkle's Exercise Toy!


On top of my grill you see Smarkle's exercise program!

It is a tennis ball thrower stick I got a couple of years ago for my birthday. At the time Princess was my retriever and she was 12 years old and maybe would go fetch about 2 or 3 times and then take the ball and go tear it apart somewhere.

But Smarkle is a whole different story, she loves fetching a tennis ball, and she does not quit. She will run and get it and if I try to do some work, when she wants to play the ball ends up at my feet where ever I am working.

So when I want to tire her out some, I am able to use the thrower, which saves my arm and allows me to throw the ball 40-50 yards at a time if not more, and gives her a good run to retrieve the tennis ball. When she slows down some we take a break and I have to put the ball away or it ends up at my feet, with this look of why won't you throw it.

Love Ya Smarkle!


  1. Glad to see it's getting it's full use :) Maybe I should get one of those for Rebekah.

  2. I think Rebekah should come to visit, Grandpa can teach her how to use the flinger, her and Smarkle can play and he can get his work done! :)