Snowfall, finally...

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It was forcast to start Saturday night, but didn't...waking up Sunday morning to a windy and cooler day but no snow. The day progressed and when we left Jennifer and Matias's house there were some flakes in the air and a trace on the roads.

So we went to bed Sunday night with the snow falling...Monday morning, it was definitely white outside and the snow was light and fluffy and we had received about 5-6 inches overnight. But it kept snowing till early afternoon, and the temperature rose to about 24 degrees, but the wind was blowing the light fluffy stuff all over.

So, I arrived home after work today to about 7-8 inches of snow, but the wind from the Northeast, blew a lot of snow off the pasture into our yard, and driveway. Which took me about an hour and half to plow out and now it looks like winter again with no bare spots showing anywhere in the yard! But it is almost March and things will begin to change quickly!

One Comment

  1. I love your optimism!